ACOP L8 and HSG 274
Compliance Monitoring
In the event that your on-site engineering team is stretched, or you operate a property without an on-site operative to complete PPM tasks, we can assist with your ACOP L8 & HSG 274 compliance monitoring program. We can complete and record the following tasks for you:
Domestic Water Systems
- Weekly flushing of under used outlets.
- Monthly hot and cold water temperatures.
- Monthly flow and return calorifier temperatures.
- Quarterly descale and disinfection of showerheads.
- Six monthly (or as indicated by risk assessor) purging of expansion vessels.
- Six-monthly water softener service and disinfection.
- Six-monthly TMV service and disinfection.
- Six-monthly inspection of cold water storage tanks.
- Annual calorifier blowdown and inspection.
- Annual review of risk assessments.
- Review of schematic diagrams.
- Annual descale/disinfection and service of TMV’s.
Cooling Towers
- Weekly checks to include: conductivity, biocide levels, ph, dipslide, and temperature.
- Monthly checks: Calcium Hardness, Magnesium Hardness, Total Hardness, Total Alkalinity, chloride, Inhibitor levels, concentration factor, ph, Free Iron and conductivity. TVC @ 30.
- Quarterly checks: Physical inspection of packs and eliminators, Suspended solids, Soluble Iron, total Iron, and Legionella.
- Six-monthly clean and chlorination of cooling tower, packs, sump and drift eliminators.
- Annual: full mechanical inspection and service.
DSW customers are able to take advantage of our cloud-based customer compliance portal DSW 360 SD-PTL to easily monitor any noncompliances.
In the event that your on-site engineering team is stretched, or you operate a property without an on-site operative to complete PPM tasks, we can assist with your ACOP L8 & HSG 274 compliance monitoring program. We can complete and record the following tasks for you:
Domestic Water Systems
- Weekly flushing of under used outlets.
- Monthly hot and cold water temperatures.
- Monthly flow and return calorifier temperatures.
- Quarterly descale and disinfection of showerheads.
- Six monthly (or as indicated by risk assessor) purging of expansion vessels.
- Six-monthly water softener service and disinfection.
- Six-monthly TMV service and disinfection.
- Six-monthly inspection of cold water storage tanks.
- Annual calorifier blowdown and inspection.
- Annual review of risk assessments.
- Review of schematic diagrams.
- Annual descale/disinfection and service of TMV’s.
Cooling Towers
- Weekly checks to include: conductivity, biocide levels, ph, dipslide, and temperature.
- Monthly checks: Calcium Hardness, Magnesium Hardness, Total Hardness, Total Alkalinity, chloride, Inhibitor levels, concentration factor, ph, Free Iron and conductivity. TVC @ 30.
- Quarterly checks: Physical inspection of packs and eliminators, Suspended solids, Soluble Iron, total Iron, and Legionella.
- Six-monthly clean and chlorination of cooling tower, packs, sump and drift eliminators.
- Annual: full mechanical inspection and service.

DSW customers are able to take advantage of our cloud-based customer compliance portal DSW 360 SD-PTL to easily monitor any noncompliances.