ACOP L8 and HSG 274
Compliance Monitoring

In the event that your on-site engineering team is stretched, or you operate a property without an on-site operative to complete PPM tasks, we can assist with your ACOP L8 & HSG 274 compliance monitoring program. We can complete and record the following tasks for you:

Domestic Water Systems

  • Weekly flushing of under used outlets.
  • Monthly hot and cold water temperatures.
  • Monthly flow and return calorifier temperatures.
  • Quarterly descale and disinfection of showerheads.
  • Six monthly (or as indicated by risk assessor) purging of expansion vessels.
  • Six-monthly water softener service and disinfection.
  • Six-monthly TMV service and disinfection.
  • Six-monthly inspection of cold water storage tanks.
  • Annual calorifier blowdown and inspection.
  • Annual review of risk assessments.
  • Review of schematic diagrams.
  • Annual descale/disinfection and service of TMV’s.

Cooling Towers

  • Weekly checks to include: conductivity, biocide levels, ph, dipslide, and temperature.
  • Monthly checks: Calcium Hardness, Magnesium Hardness, Total Hardness, Total Alkalinity, chloride, Inhibitor levels, concentration factor, ph, Free Iron and conductivity. TVC @ 30.
  • Quarterly checks: Physical inspection of packs and eliminators, Suspended solids, Soluble Iron, total Iron, and Legionella.
  • Six-monthly clean and chlorination of cooling tower, packs, sump and drift eliminators.
  • Annual: full mechanical inspection and service.
If you are looking for guidance on how to comply with ACOP L8 and HSG 274, feel free to give us a call and speak to one of our water hygiene professionals today. The approved code of practice and guidance for ACOP L8 can be found here, and guidance for HSG 274 can be found here.

DSW customers are able to take advantage of our cloud-based customer compliance portal DSW 360 SD-PTL to easily monitor any noncompliances.

In the event that your on-site engineering team is stretched, or you operate a property without an on-site operative to complete PPM tasks, we can assist with your ACOP L8 & HSG 274 compliance monitoring program. We can complete and record the following tasks for you:

Domestic Water Systems

  • Weekly flushing of under used outlets.
  • Monthly hot and cold water temperatures.
  • Monthly flow and return calorifier temperatures.
  • Quarterly descale and disinfection of showerheads.
  • Six monthly (or as indicated by risk assessor) purging of expansion vessels.
  • Six-monthly water softener service and disinfection.
  • Six-monthly TMV service and disinfection.
  • Six-monthly inspection of cold water storage tanks.
  • Annual calorifier blowdown and inspection.
  • Annual review of risk assessments.
  • Review of schematic diagrams.
  • Annual descale/disinfection and service of TMV’s.

Cooling Towers

  • Weekly checks to include: conductivity, biocide levels, ph, dipslide, and temperature.
  • Monthly checks: Calcium Hardness, Magnesium Hardness, Total Hardness, Total Alkalinity, chloride, Inhibitor levels, concentration factor, ph, Free Iron and conductivity. TVC @ 30.
  • Quarterly checks: Physical inspection of packs and eliminators, Suspended solids, Soluble Iron, total Iron, and Legionella.
  • Six-monthly clean and chlorination of cooling tower, packs, sump and drift eliminators.
  • Annual: full mechanical inspection and service.
If you are looking for guidance on how to comply with ACOP L8 and HSG 274, feel free to give us a call and speak to one of our water hygiene professionals today. The approved code of practice and guidance for ACOP L8 can be found here, and guidance for HSG 274 can be found here.

DSW customers are able to take advantage of our cloud-based customer compliance portal DSW 360 SD-PTL to easily monitor any noncompliances.