Water Filtration
Legionella control
When Legionella counts reach high numbers and provide a health risk to the end user it may be necessary to use point of use filters on the outlet for a short period of time. DSW can supply and install point of use filters to your to your showers and wash hand basins – the wash hand basin filters are below the basin itself, and are not visible to the end user. This will instantly make them safe to use while you work on resolving the bacteriological issues.
Potable water supplies
There are a number of visible and chemistry issues that can affect your water supply. Ensuring there are no discolouration, heavy particulates or excessive soluble contaminates is of paramount importance. As such DSW offer the following filtration for your potable water supply;
- Bore hold water treatment
- 1 Micron or 5 micron filters on cold water storage tank inlets
- Side stream filters for cold water storage tanks
- Iron/Manganese filters on incoming mains
Cooling towers
Cooling towers and the associated system are often subject to high levels of degradation due to chemical treatment/oxidation. When this starts to adversely affect the water chemistry and system efficiency levels DSW can supply and install a side stream filter to remove these particulates.
Closed loop CHW, LTHW and MTHW systems
Due to chemical treatment and oxidation that occurs within closed loop systems, issues with soluble and suspended solids can affect the system efficiency, even causing significant plant breakdowns/failures. DSW can install multi-use filters which will remove heavy solids, remove soluble metals and also act as a chemical dosing pot. These filters are very effective at cleaning systems over time and can assist in extending the life of the plant and pipework.
Steam boilers
Steam boiler plants have very specific water supply quality requirements. As such Reverse osmosis may be required to ensure that water quality is of a suitable standard. If your plant requires R/O or you are unsure, then contact DSW who can complete a full chemistry analysis and design/size the relevant plant to ensure your steam boilers work efficiently.
DSW customers are able to take advantage of our cloud-based customer compliance portal DSW 360 SD-PTL to easily monitor any noncompliances.
Legionella control
When Legionella counts reach high numbers and provide a health risk to the end user it may be necessary to use point of use filters on the outlet for a short period of time. DSW can supply and install point of use filters to your to your showers and wash hand basins – the wash hand basin filters are below the basin itself, and are not visible to the end user. This will instantly make them safe to use while you work on resolving the bacteriological issues.
Potable water supplies
There are a number of visible and chemistry issues that can affect your water supply. Ensuring there are no discolouration, heavy particulates or excessive soluble contaminates is of paramount importance. As such DSW offer the following filtration for your potable water supply;
- Bore hold water treatment
- 1 Micron or 5 micron filters on cold water storage tank inlets
- Side stream filters for cold water storage tanks
- Iron/Manganese filters on incoming mains
Cooling towers
Cooling towers and the associated system are often subject to high levels of degradation due to chemical treatment/oxidation. When this starts to adversely affect the water chemistry and system efficiency levels DSW can supply and install a side stream filter to remove these particulates.
Closed loop CHW, LTHW and MTHW systems
Due to chemical treatment and oxidation that occurs within closed loop systems, issues with soluble and suspended solids can affect the system efficiency, even causing significant plant breakdowns/failures. DSW can install multi-use filters which will remove heavy solids, remove soluble metals and also act as a chemical dosing pot. These filters are very effective at cleaning systems over time and can assist in extending the life of the plant and pipework.
Steam boilers
Steam boiler plants have very specific water supply quality requirements. As such Reverse osmosis may be required to ensure that water quality is of a suitable standard. If your plant requires R/O or you are unsure, then contact DSW who can complete a full chemistry analysis and design/size the relevant plant to ensure your steam boilers work efficiently.

DSW customers are able to take advantage of our cloud-based customer compliance portal DSW 360 SD-PTL to easily monitor any noncompliances.